Positive Values

Asset 31: Restraint

Work with young people to focus on long-term outcomes—not just on the moment. Helping them to internalize and stand up for their personal values also makes it easier for them to practice restraint and withstand negative peer pressure.

Asset 30: Responsibility

Following rules is important, but is doing as you’re told enough? To become strong, upstanding, and successful adults, possessing a personal desire to be responsible is also significant.

Asset 29: Honesty

Although telling the truth is not always easy, teaching young people the value of honesty, is important. Honesty is crucial for success in all areas of life, including relationships, school, and jobs.

Asset 28: Integrity

Anytime young people draw on their inner spark of courage and act based on their values, they have integrity. The best way to teach integrity to young people may be to practice and model it yourself.

Asset 27: Equality and Social Justice

Young people who are concerned about equality and reducing hunger and poverty may not know what life is like for those who suffer these conditions, but they do understand it’s important to care for people—all people.

Asset 26: Caring

It’s important for young people to be involved in both direct and indirect caring. Direct help is when you spend time and interact with people who need care. Indirect help is when you collect money, food, or other items to give to people who distribute the items to those in need.

Commitment to Learning Positive Identity Positive Values Social Competence

Young people learn by example and repetition. Model and explain how your own behavior upholds the values and beliefs you—and your family—have.