Parent Resources
Welcome, parent! We’re thrilled you’re investing in your family by visiting this page. Click or tap on the images below to view these helpful resources you can use during and after Raising Highly Capable Kids classes.

RezilientKidz Facebook Page
Follow the RezilientKidz Facebook page for helpful parenting tips, articles, inspirational quotes, and videos of parents sharing their stories.

40 Assets to Help Your Kids Finish Strong
Short stories based on all 40 Developmental Assets to read with your children ages 3-7.

Parenting Articles
Articles and posts on relevant parenting topics and questions. There is also a place to submit questions you might have.

40 Assets Printout
PDF download/printout of a list of the 40 Developmental Assets.

Creative Activities
A fun list of activities, crafts, experiments and more to start building creativity into your family's routine.

Weekly 40 Assets Handout
Action tips and ideas around the 8 Asset categories to take home each week during the Raising Highly Capable Kids program.

Taking the Assets Home
A follow-up book (after RHCK) to support you with practical ways to implement the 40 Developmental Assets at home.

40 Assets Article Series
A series of articles on each Asset with ideas on how to implement the assets in your home, school, or neighborhood.

Conversation Wheel
The RHCK Activity & Conversation Wheel sparks family conversations with engaging starters and fun activity suggestions.

Resources by Asset
A document that contains practical ideas for developing each of the 40 Developmental Assets in your children.

Book List (grouped by Assets)
Children’s books that build the 40 Developmental Assets, as well as address important topics.